This book is the result of many years of experience in diverse fields such as meditation, healing, science and spiritual traditions. It covers many aspects of human life: the inner quest, self-realization, the tools of the New Age, sexuality, the origins of our species and even the existence of aliens and channeling. It does so with simple and modern words, providing clarity and exercises on these issues of great complexity.

Being iconoclastic, does not seek to please the institutions or readers, and shatters the paradigm of current materialism and advocates a path out of mental slavery in order to grow emotionally, focusing on spirituality from a non-dual and holographic perspective. It is supposed to be a valuable and challenging manual for many seekers and individuals who need guidelines on their way to wake up.

Below we add the comments of some readers and you can see the presentation of the book in Coin through Yotube. The book is already translated into English but it needs a thorough revition, so that it can be available in PDF on this website.

… “If you are a passionate seeker of awakenings, this deep work of Avi Hay will facilitate your path … The truth is that this book will probably change and transform you completely … to make your trip more enjoyable and revealing.” …
Pablo de la Iglesia (author of Heart Content, Regain Health and other titles).

“It’s a complete book containing great wisdom and valuable information ….”
Carmen Valenzuela (Córdoba)

“Maravelous book and simple !!”
Lú Gonçalves (Brazil)

“Excellent book. I’m reading for the second time, a copy of the second edition …. Now I hope to get the second book … very recommended.
Francisco Vargas (Israel)

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A path to one Self